Behind the Scenes - Interior Photo Shoot
Hello and welcome to our first article BEHIND THE SCENES at NATURES Collection. In this series of articles, we will take you inside our everyday life and show you what we work with and how we make sure to create the best natural products for you.
Interior Photo Shoot
At NATURES Collection, we often do photo shoots, so we can show our customers how amazing our products are. A Photo Shoot requires a lot of preparation and hard work, but we like to do it so that you get something nice to look at - both on our webshop and in our catalogs.

Our products are made of natural materials , and therefore it is important that you see the products in different contexts, as natural materials have an ability to adapt to the environment, they are located in.

It is very satisfying to see how the products come 'to life' in the different interiors we make and every time we shoot these pictures, it is always with the thought of "what does our customers like" and "How does it look in ours customers' homes?”.

Only the best is good enough for our customers!
In addition, Martin from Grim Studio also records some movie sequences, which will subsequently adorn the front page of our website. We also use the sequences in our marketing of our products because a movie sequence can show the amazing atmosphere that our products bring to any interior.

For our photo shoots we use the amazing photographer, Martin, From Grim Studio. Martin has all kinds of equipment with him and shoots many beautiful pictures for us.

Each time an image is shot, we look at it and revise whether some of the elements in the image need to be moved, removed or else.

And of course we must not forget to mention our naturally beautiful model, Jill Petersen. Jill is our sales manager on a daily basis and - at times - our model.
We hope you enjoyed this brief insight into ' BEHIND THE SCENES ' at the NATURES Collection.
Keep an eye out - there will be more unique BEHIND THE SCENES stories from us!